Accessories, Art, Small Furnishings — Spectacular-Spaces

Accessories, Art, Small and Unique Furnishings - the finishing touches to pull a room together

Artwork and decorative accessories are the finishing touches that "pull a room together" and complete the look of the design project.


Whether you’re looking for an unusual or unique piece of furniture, that special lamp, a gorgeous vase, an incredible piece of art, or a custom sculpture designed and fabricated for your space, we can find the ideal pieces to coordinate with your design, style and taste to tie in all the elements in your room. We have working relationships with galleries, artists, showrooms and specialty shops to find just that right piece for you. 

We invite you to visit our Portfolio to view a sampling of our work.  

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Please Contact us so we can discuss your project and start the process of bringing your vision to life.

Ellen Fador in Winchester, MA on Houzz